Script - Calling a Python function from VBS

In the DIAdem Script panel, create one VBScript (VBS) and one Python script.   Save them both in the same folder.  


'-- VBS script file Python.VBS
'-- Author:   Mechatronic Solutions LLC
'             Mark W Kiehl
'-- License:
'-- Comment: 
Option Explicit  
Call LogFileDel()

'Create internal data in the Data Portal.
Call bCreateInternalData()

'Configure references to the time and a numeric channels
Dim oChnX, oChnY
Set oChnX = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("Time")
Set oChnY = Data.GetChannel("[1]/Numeric")

'You cannot pass local variables to a function via ScriptStart().  
'However, the Python script Python.PY has access to global DIAdem variables. 
T1 = "AnalyzeChnData('" & oChnX.GetReference(eRefTypeNameName) & "','" & oChnY.GetReference(eRefTypeNameName) & "')"
'Call LogFileWrite("T1 = '" & T1 & "'")

B1 = False: T2 = ""
'ScriptStart() will run the script Python.PY
Call ScriptStart(CurrentScriptPath & "Python.PY")

'Look at what the Python.PY script has done..
Call LogFileWrite("ChnY property 'AnalyzeChnData' = '" & oChnY.Properties("AnalyzeChnData").Value & "'")
Call LogFileWrite("ChnY property 'Result~Statistics~ExtremeValues~Maximum' = '" & oChnY.Properties("Result~Statistics~ExtremeValues~Maximum").Value & "'")
Call LogFileWrite("T2 = '" & T2 & "'")
If B1 = True Then
  Call LogFileWrite("The execution of the Python function AnalyzeChnData() was successful.")
  Call LogFileWrite("The execution of the Python function AnalyzeChnData() was NOT successful.")
End If

Function bCreateInternalData()
  bCreateInternalData = False
  Dim oGrp, oChn, oChnX, oChnDateTime, oChnY, sChn, oUsiLocal, dStartTime, oChnWf
  Dim oElementList, oElement
  Call Data.Root.Clear
  Set oGrp = Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("Group1")
  Set oChnX = oGrp.Channels.Add("Time",DataTypeChnFloat64)
  Call ChnLinGen(oChnX,0,500,100,"s")
  Call Data.Move(oChnX,oGrp.Channels(),1)
  'Create a Date/Time channel from oChnX.
  Set oChnDateTime = oGrp.Channels.AddChannel(oChnX)
  oChnDateTime.Name = "DateTime"
  'Define the datetime offset. 
  Set oUsiLocal = CreateTime(Year(Now), Month(Now), Day(Now), Hour(Now), Minute(Now), Second(Now), 0, 0, 20000)  
  'Call LogFileWrite("OffsetStartTime =  " & Str(oUsiLocal.GetUTC.SecondsFrom0000 + oUsiLocal.Fraction,"#dd-ttt-yyyy hh:nn:ss,ffffff"))
  'Convert the numeric channel oChnDateTime to a channel data type of time (date/time).  
  Call ChnNumericToTime(oChnDateTime, oUsiLocal.GetUTC.SecondsFrom0000 + oUsiLocal.Fraction, False)
  'Call LogFileWrite("DateTime channel first value =  " & Str(oChnDateTime.Values(1),"#dd-ttt-yyyy hh:nn:ss,ffffff"))
  'Create a numeric channel
  sChn = ChnLinGenImp("Numeric",100,0.0,1.0/33.0,"s")
  Set oChnY = Data.GetChannel(sChn)
  Call ChnValExpand(oChny)
  'Call LogFileWrite("oChnY = '" & oChnY.GetReference(eReferenceNameName) & "'")
  Set oChnY.XRelation = oChnX
  'Create a waveform channel
  Set oChnWf = oGrp.Channels.AddChannel(oChnY,,true): oChnWf.Name = "Waveform"
  Call ChnToWfChn(oChnDateTime, oChnWf, False, "WfXAbsolute")
  'Create a numeric channel from the waveform channel oChnWf
  Set oChnY = oGrp.Channels.AddChannel(oChnWf): oChnY.Name = "NumericFromWf"
  Set oElementList = WfChnToChn(oChnY, True, "WfXAbsolute")
  oElementList.Item(1).Name = "DateTimeNumericFromWf"
  bCreateInternalData = True
End Function  'bCreateInternalData()


# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# -- Python Script File
# -- Author:  Mechatronic Solutions LLC
#             Mark W Kiehl
# -- License:
# -- Comment: .
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
from DIAdem import Application as dd

if False:
    import DIAdem_CodeCompletion as dd
import sys
from platform import python_version
from pathlib import Path
import importlib
from datetime import datetime

print('Script "' + dd.CurrentScriptName + '"  Python version ' + python_version())

# --------------------------------------------------------------------

def AnalyzeChnData(sChnX, sChnY):
    oChnX = dd.Data.GetChannel(sChnX)
    oChnY = dd.Data.GetChannel(sChnY)
    iStatsSelection = dd.eStatsMinimum + dd.eStatsMaximum + dd.eStatsArithmeticMean + dd.eStatsSquareMean + dd.eStatsGeometricMean
    dd.ChnStatisticsChannelCalc(oChnY, iStatsSelection,  None,  None, False, False, False, "NameName")
    #The statistics max, min, mean, median, .. were added as properties to ChnY
    #Adding properties to a channel can be a useful way to pass results back to VBS information.
    dtNow =
    oChnY.Properties.Add('AnalyzeChnData', dtNow)
    #Assign a value to a DIAdem global variable
    dd.T2 = 'Fn AnalyzeChnData() executed on the channels ' + oChnX.GetReference(dd.eRefTypeNameName) + ' and ' + oChnY.GetReference(dd.eRefTypeNameName)
    dd.B1 = True

# Execute the DIAdem command passed by Python.VBS within the DIAdem global variable T1


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